Brent answers the age old question “Who is Brent Ozar?”. Cecil asks Brent how he went from developer to DBA to entrepreneur. Brent talks about what it’s like to be your own boss and Richie shares why he’s not an independent consultant. Cecil asks Brent what kind of skills Brent needed to grow in order to build his business. Brent shares what it was like hiring his first employee. Brent shares what’s next for Brent Ozar Unlimited.


Brent Ozar Unlimited


Brent_Ozar_BioBrent Ozar loves to make SQL Server faster and more reliable.  He created sp_Blitz® and sp_AskBrent®, and he loves sharing knowledge at He holds a bunch of certifications and awards including the Microsoft MVP award.

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One comment on “Episode 21: Brent Ozar Takes Over The World

  1. Joseph Oct 7, 2015

    Thanks, men! Great information, and an entertaining interview.