This episode starts off in typical AFTK fashion with us finding out how our guest, Carlos, got into technology. Carlos let’s us know how influential his father was in the early days. Cecil asks Carlos how he went from being a SQL Server professional to starting his own company. Carlos talks us through some of the decisions he had to make and also things he had to consider, when starting his business. He also gave us some interesting advice if you’re interested in bringing on a partner into your company. In addition to this business, Carlos hosts a successful podcast, coaches soccer, is a scout leader, and is also a published author. Through this episode, we really get to dig into Carlos’ life away from the keyboard
Carlos Chacon is the managing partner of SQL Data Partners LLC a consulting firm assisting private practices with their data. He is the co-host of the SQL Data Partners Podcast, which just celebrated two years on the air. He enjoys traveling and has been to four continents, speaks Spanish and can eat his weight in raspberries (not yet proven). He and his family live in Richmond, Virginia. Connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn.
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