We start off with Annie talking to us about her love for books, animation, and storytelling. Annie talks to us about some of her favorite illustrators. Then we get into a discussion about the emotional connection between an artist and their work. Cecil asks Annie about her first drawings. Following that, Annie talks about working for a technology startup. Annie walks us through her role at RethinkDB, and also tells us the origin story of the Thinker. We talk about her book, “The Three Things”. We also get into the role that books play in her life.



annie_ruygt_bioAnnie is an illustrator living and creating in Napa, CA. She has worked with clients like RethinkDB, Twitter, and Let’s Mend, as well as published a few children’s books. She loves telling stories and cherishes their ability to help us discover ourselves.

Arturo introduces himself and shares how he and his family left Venezuela for Miami. He then talks about how he got started in technology with the CS50x course. Cecil inquires what CS50x is and how Arturo got involved with it. The pannel then chats about the Internet of Things and the Kickstarter project Jewelbots. Arturo then shares about working at Harvard and what it’s like being there everyday.



arturo_real_bioArturo J. Real was born in Venezuela and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he works as a project manager and producer of Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science. CS50. He is an advocate for volunteer work at all ages and in raising awareness of and action towards environmental causes.

We start of this episode with Frank giving us some background on early days learning programming on an Apple II and the BASIC programming language. Frank also tells us about some of the books he dug into. We then get into talking about the first app that Frank wrote and also some insight into this Calca app. Frank goes into starting a company and moving to India to work on a project. Cecil asks Frank about how he put together his plan for writing his own apps for a living. Frank tells us about struggle to profitability. Cecil asks Frank to talk to us about his latest app, Continuous.



frank_krueger_bioFrank is an independent mobile developer living in Seattle, WA. He started work as an embedded systems engineer, moved on to be a web developer, and eventually found happiness as an iOS developer. He has written iCircuit, Calca, and Continuous. All the while, Frank has enjoyed releasing open source projects and contributing as much as he can to the software development community. His programming interests include computer graphics, simulation, programming languages, and artificial intelligence. When he’s not at his computer, you can usually find him hiking around some mountain or sleeping in a tent by a river.